A word after a word after a word is power ... Margaret Atwood

Memorial Plaque - Paul Jennings
Memorial Plaque - Paul Jennings

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Writing Tips from HWG

The obvious and the not so obvious ...

This page is our tips blog providing

the new writer with insights to some

routes to writing excellence, pitfalls,

warnings and reasons to simply

carry on.

This may seem to be a rather pointless question but it is a genuine one. Most individuals can put pen to paper, write a coherent letter to their bank manager and even knock out the odd essay or short story or two, perhaps even good enough to be found gracing the pages of your local newspaper. However, the ability to...

If you want an easy life; if you want to finish the work you so desperately started as a fiction novelist, try not to leave your writing process open to abuse. If you do, the person who will abuse it most will be you. You will blame the corresponding result on just about everyone else … of course, but...

Historically, most agents and publishers would look for around 100,000 (100K) words or more in a good length novel. Within the psycho of the publisher is firmly engrained the all important 'cost' of a printed book, especially the first edition which, until recently, would normally be a hard cover version. He needs to get your book out there with...

Yes, it's true. Many manuscripts in the writing start out as placed in one genre and end up in another. That's a fact! How is that possible? Well, a good example could be when you set out to write an Action & Adventure work of fiction. Without necessarily being aware of it, you find, halfway through the manuscript, you have...

Being organized is the single most important factor in producing a well written, well edited novel or work of fiction, and one that is not simply abandoned on page twenty nine. Many people unfortunately find it difficult to 'get organized' in order to write down the first few paragraphs of their potential best seller. Doing so is all about...