Earlier we listed ten considerations to ensure your 'get-up and go' had simply not 'got-up and gone'. Now we come to the final review in and the last two subjects, Word Choice and Character Development.

A word after a word after a word is power ... Margaret Atwood

Please note the opinions expressed here are not neccessarily the opinions of individual HWG members.

Writing Tips from HWG
The obvious and the not so obvious ...
This page is our tips blog providing
the new writer with insights to some
routes to writing excellence, pitfalls,
warnings and reasons to simply
carry on.
#026 – Get-up and Go … pace & phrasing!
Earlier we listed ten considerations to ensure your 'get-up and go' had simply not 'got-up and gone'. The first two asked you to consider Clarity and Thrift which we did previously along with Style and Sentences. Crisp Conversation and word Flow were looked at in other posts, so now let's consider two close friends of any editor ... Pace and...
Carrying on with our post #24 we listed ten considerations to ensure your 'get-up and go' had simply not 'got-up and gone'. The first two asked you to consider Clarity and Thrift which we did, and Style and Sentences as reviewed previously. So let's now have a look at what might well be described as crisp conversation and the way it flows....
#024 – Get-up and Go … style & sentences!
Looking again at our post #23 we listed ten considerations to ensure your 'get-up and go' had simply not 'got-up and gone'. The first two asked you to consider Clarity and Thrift which we did in post #23. So, let's have a quick look at the next two subjects being matters to do with style and sentence construction.
Looking at our post #23 we listed ten considerations to ensure your 'get-up and go' had simply not 'got-up and gone'. The first two asked you to consider Clarity and a Thrifty approach to the use of words in your writing. So, let's have a quick look at both of them.
Coming to the end? Nearly there ... not much longer now! What one single word describes the qualities you will need to close off that final page, place that terminal full stop and open that last bottle of chilled Chardonnay?
As the tools that stimulate our imagination, help us write the words and then publish them to the world become easier to find and even easier to work with ... all without leaving the close confines of a bedroom, then, for the beleaguered writer there is not much else that can go wrong ... is there? Of course there is...
As a hard working author, if you think that capturing a fair and equitable publishing deal is becoming more and more difficult ... you would be right. There is now a new money making vehicle for those in the book trade trundling along the block and it's called 'Celebrity Publishing'. This is not remotely related to the expected odd 'auto-biography'...
#019 - Flattery can cost the Author dear!
If you think that all the offers arriving from so called 'publishers' who want to charge you for allowing them to put your work into print are genuine ... THEN THINK AGAIN! Take our word for it ... there are a lot of sharks out there looking to empty your bank account as soon as you send them an enquiry....
#018 - How important is writers blurb?
There are many good books out there adequately describing the process of writing a 'blurb' for your next blockbuster. The dictionary definition of blurb is as follows; A promotional description, as found on the jackets of books ... So, that confirms it then. The size of the jacket or back cover of a paperback will more or less...
This is an often quoted subject normally linked to criticism rather than praise. An editor may refer to 'character development' in writing up his or her comments on your submitted manuscript. So, what is character development? Well, it's basically creating a character in your mind and then building up a complete life of the character as a series of...