There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are … W. Somerset Maugham

Hartlepool Hub - Meeting place for HWG
Hartlepool Hub - Meeting place for HWG

Next HWG meeting will be:

Wednesday, March 12th, 18:30.

About Hartlepool Writers Group

Find out what, when and where ...

HWG meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 18:30 Hrs. If you wish to join us and have an interest in writing, please contact us in the first instance on the email address below or through our 'Contact' form.

Hartlepool Hub Central

124 York Road,TS26 9DE
Regular meeting space for the HWG.

Who we are

We are a collection of like minded individuals, a mix of male and female members, who meet up regularly to exchange views and work through exercises in creative writing.

 Who we are not

We are not a 'reading' group, although published works are often referred to during our discussions. As a group, we do not provide 'reviews' for the published work of others and we do not provide 'editing' services or written critique to authors.

Our ambitions

We have ambitions for our individual members and our group as a whole. We are happy to support our members in pursuing any legitimate writing project such as publishing work along with guidance through the production process. With a wealth of on-board experience within HWG, together we thrive.

When we meet

HWG meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 18:30 Hrs. The location of our meetings is the 'Hub' on York Road in Hartlepool and our facilitator is Denise Sparrowhawk.

Denise Sparrowhawk
Denise Sparrowhawk

 Want to join us?

 If you wish to come along to any of our meetings and have an interest in writing, please contact us in the first instance on our email address: You will need to be an adult (16+) and have an interest in poetry, short fiction, monologues, and novels.

The opportunity

The group offers an opportunity to meet, share experiences and provide feedback in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. Each month we normally take part in a short writing exercise prepared by one of the group. We also host occasional talks and workshops usually provided by a guest author. 

Our membership consists of those with a specific interest in poetry, flash fiction, other short story styles and full length novels. We are also fortunate to have on board authors with a wide range of experience of self-publishing and working with traditional publishers. We also manage a Facebook Page offering direct contact between members.

Our normal session time is around two hours from 18:30 to approximately 20:30 and if you make arrangements to attend one of our meetings, we ask that you come prepared to 'write' and equipped with pen and paper. We do not allow the recording of meetings or events by our members and ask that you respect this basic safeguarding.